Agribusiness Law
Agribusiness law services
LH Law offers legal services to agribusiness families in rural and regional areas of QLD and NSW.
Louise and her team at LH Law, can help you and your agribusiness family make informed decisions about agribusiness issues such as entity structuring, guarantee advice, share farming agreements and rural lease transactions, and rural property and water transactions.

Entity Structuring Advice - Company, Trust, Partnership
Growing wealth through your agribusiness delivers many possibilities. Even the most profitable agribusiness may find it is operating within the wrong structure.
Operating in the correct structure is critical to risk mitigation, maximising return, optimising tax obligations and achieving succession/future planning objectives. LH Law assists agribusiness families in determining how they should structure their business operations.
Prospective or current agribusiness operations may have a tough time understanding the legal differences between companies, trusts and partnerships. LH Law’s approach is to sit down with you and your family, explain the advantages and disadvantages of each structure and help you determine what the best structure is for your current circumstances.
Directors of agribusiness operations are often asked to provide Director’s Guarantees to their financiers. Clients may also be asked to provide third party guarantees. LH Law understands the regulatory and legal environment that agribusinesses operate in. We advise clients regarding what it means to give a Director guarantee or a third party guarantee and what this will mean for your agribusiness operation and your personally held assets.
Sharefarming Agreements & Rural Lease Transactions
Share farming agreements and rural lease transactions allow clients to operate their agribusiness without needing to invest the relevant capital to own the farmland. LH Law assists you in understanding the legal intricacies of a share farming agreement or rural lease transaction which is critical before entering into any agreement.
Rural Property & Water Transactions
It is imperative to ensure you understand all aspects of your rural property and/or water transaction. Whether you are buying or selling a farm or water allocation or entering into another type of agreement, we can assist you to ensure your rights are protected and that you understand your obligations.